衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 荷芙莎 慢速乾燥處理 水洗 G1 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Hafursa Slow Dry Washed G1 (半磅227g)



Different from the previous washing method, it uses the slow drying method after water washing to dehydrate. Because of the long drying time, the long fermentation period and the loss rate of inclusions are low, so the flavor performance and the finish are very different. The experience, while also taking care of the environment (using less water treatment), is highly recommended for coffee-conscious hackers to taste.


貨號: 不提供 分類: ,


強烈檸檬混合花蜜乾香、入口後是檸檬水果軟 糖、酸甜奔放又質地細緻、多汁豐沛、混合著 棉花糖、蜂蜜水茉莉餘韻、甜美誘人

Different from the previous washing method, it uses the slow drying method after water washing to dehydrate. Because of the long drying time, the long fermentation period and the loss rate of inclusions are low, so the flavor performance and the finish are very different. The experience, while also taking care of the environment (using less water treatment), is highly recommended for coffee-conscious hackers to taste.

Flavor Description:
Intense lemon mixed with nectar, after the entrance is lemon fruit soft candy, sweet and sour rush and fine texture, juicy, mixed with marshmallow, honey water jasmine aftertaste, sweet and attractive



烘焙度 (Agtron)

25(極深), 35(深), 45(深), 50, 55, 60(中度), 65, 70, 75(淺焙), 80(淺焙), 85(極淺)


Espresso(義式), Hand Drip(手沖), Moka(摩卡壺), Syphone(虹吸), Whole Bean (不磨)


