風味描述:乾香帶有黑莓、烏梅、雪松與可可香氣。啜吸時展現黑莓、蔓越莓的主調,融合烏梅香 氣,尾段帶有雪松與黑巧克力餘韻,飽滿渾厚,令人回味無窮。
這是一杯具有力量感的咖啡,適合偏愛深邃、飽滿口感的飲用者,提供無與倫比的品味 體驗。
Processing: Washing
Flavor description: Dry aroma with aromas of raspberry, ebony, cedar and cocoa. When you sip, the mainnotes of blackberry and cranberry are revealed, combined with the aroma of ebony plum. The finish has the aftertaste of cedar and black chocolate, which is full and rich, leaving people with endless aftertaste.
This is a powerful cup of coffee , suitable for drinkers who prefera deep and full mouthfeel, providing an unparalleled taste experience.